What can we request
Only books and articles from newspapers/magazines, and sometimes microfilm.
What we cannot request
Media items, books published within the last 12 months, and textbooks. If a patron requests something that sounds academic, ask whether it's for a class. Most academic libraries won't lend textbooks, and because it can take several weeks for an ILL to come in, it's really not suitable for class use.
How long will it take?
This is difficult to estimate, but it won't be less than a week or two, and it normally takes much longer. Please do not tell people we can get an item in 1-2 weeks. It can take that long just to process the requests on her end and for the lending library to respond. 2-6 weeks is probably a better estimate.
If someone needs an item quickly and it's available at a local public library (make sure to search that library's catalog to make sure it hasn't been withdrawn since the record was uploaded to WorldCat), the patron would be better off going directly there.
ILL Contact
To place a request for microfilm or articles, email Mary Pena. To place a request for a book, use the catalog Suggest a Purchase page and choose "ILL option."
An active ILL request will have received correspondence via email from staff. If they haven't received a direct email, the suggest a purchase may not have been reviewed; contact Marybeth or Charles. If they've been contacted about an active ILL request and still have questions, these calls can be direct to Mary Pena.