Friday, January 15, 2010

Collection Management - floating, weeding, suggestions

Polaris updates 7/24/14 and 7/31/14:

We will no longer check items out to the user accounts LOST, MISSING or DISCARD.

For Lost items, highlight the item in the Patron Status-Items Out screen. Then click on the "Declare Lost" icon (or CTRL+L). You will get a pop-up that itemizes the replacement and processing fees. Click OK and it will bill the patron for this amount.

Move TO another location:
Staff may send extra copies to another location using the following procedure:
· Put items in the appropriate courier bin.
· Check-in/discharge items at receiving library.
**Sending more than 2 bins Downtown? Call Peter or circ to let them know.

REMOVE an item from the collection due to condition or during weeding:
Any staff member may withdraw a damaged item, even if not originally from your library:
  • Check in all the items. This brings up the items in the check in window.
  • Highlight all the items to be withdrawn.
  • Click the Manage Item icon, Circ Status, and Withdraw. Save.
  • Mark through the barcode with a Sharpie and direct them to FOL.
  • Do not worry if it is the last copy of the item. Marybeth gets a report of last-copy discards and will decide whether to reorder. 
**Sending more than 2 bins Downtown? Call Peter or circ to let them know.

REMOVE a Pop Pick copy from the collection:
(We only retain Pop Picks for 3 months.)
  • Check in all the items. This brings up the items in the check in window.
  • Highlight all the items to be withdrawn.
  • Click the Manage Item icon, Circ Status, and Withdraw. Save.
  • Mark through the barcode with a Sharpie and direct them to Margaret in Processing (DT).

MARK ITEM MISSING when it can't be found on the shelf:
  • Copy the barcode number and check it in. If the item is on the holds list, say NO to "route to fill request" and say YES to "reinstate hold for user."
  • Click to highlight the item in the list of check-ins. Use the Manage Item icon to change the circ status to "Search in Progress." 
  • Save.
MARK ITEM LOST when a patron reports it lost or DAMAGED when it's returned damaged beyond repair:
  • In the Patron Status display, use the Items Out view.
  • Click the item to be marked lost or damaged, then click the Declared Lost button.
  • In the billing window, under both the Replacement and Processing columns, drop down the arrow for Actions and select Charge. Leave the Overdue column at “Leave as is” if the amount is zero. (If the amount is greater than zero, use the Actions drop-down to select Waive.) Click OK.

SUGGEST an item be purchased for the collection:Customers and staff can request a purchase, but no longer than 3 months prior to the publication date (including bestsellers and media items).***
From Marybeth's email 7/29/14: Hopefully you have discovered the new, handy-dandy suggest a purchase form that is in the catalog for customers to use. Once submitted, this form comes directly to me.  Unfortunately, staff is unable to view this request queue like we were able to in Workflows but we are working with the tools that Polaris provides in the patron record that are easily accessible to customers to learn about the status of their requests (and staff can see it too!  Bonus!)

If I am able to order the suggested item, a hold will be placed on the customers account and they will be notified when it is available for pick up. (you can see the list of requests/holds in the patron status).  We will NOT send a message if we are able to order it - simply look to see if they have it on hold.

If I am unable to order it because it is out of print, not available through our contracted vendors, outside of our collection criteria, beyond our purchasing cycle etc., I will leave a a patron message.  When the customer logs into his/her account they will be alerted that they have a message and have the option to delete it once they have read it.  Staff can see this message on the patron status screen and see if the patron has read the message or not.  The message will go away after 14 days.

Requesting Ebooks: One of the great things about the 3m Cloud Library is how to request a title. Directly from the app, click on Search (the magnifying glass).  Under "advanced search" make sure "Include books not in library" is checked.  If you search for a title that is not in our collection you will have the option to "add to wish list" (ask library to purchase the book).  This title will show up on a report that I look at daily.  If  I choose to purchase it, a hold will automatically be placed for you! We use the same collection criteria to evaluate ebook requests. We will not be purchasing ebook bundles - single titles only - so patrons should suggest the individual titles. (While I welcome suggestions through the suggest a purchase form via the Polaris catalog or a direct email from staff, I am unable to place customer holds for ebooks.)

***If the publication is more than 3 months out, advise the patron to place a request closer to the pub date.

What doesn't float
Popular Picks
board books
Downtown "storage" books (Hamilton also still has a "storage" collection)
reference materials

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