Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Extracting zip files

Sometimes people have to download zipped files -- files that have been compressed to make them smaller and easier to send by email. We can download and unzip these files. Here's how:

  1. Have the patron download the zipped file and save it to the computer (public drive or desktop).
  2. When the download finishes, a folder containing the zipped file should appear. Or open the folder from the public drive/desktop.
  3. On the left side of the window you should see an "Extract all files" link. Click this link and extract the files to the public drive or desktop. If you prefer, create a new folder that you can identify easily.
  4. The patron will probably want to save the files to a flash disk or burn them to a CD.

Note: if someone asks whether we have a zip drive, we do not. This is a special kind of disk drive that was common about 10 years ago but is hard to find now.

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