Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Prescription discount cards

from Mary Sagar's email 8/8/12:

You may have noticed the display near the reference desk that contains the new Coast2Coast Rx discount cards.  I just spoke with City Hall about these cards, and they said that we can distribute these cards to anyone who asks -- whether or not they are Chandler residents.  The customers should then check to make sure that their pharmacy is participating in the Coast2Coast discount program.  

Also, here is a direct link to Coast2Coast's website:  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Computer Lab

From Sue's email, 2/6/12:

The Quiet Lab is open to adults who need a quiet place to work (far from the maddening crowd). The rules are: no talking, no cell phones, no group work. If people want to talk or work together, they need to sit in the commons area. I'm not ready to open it up to the teens just yet. I need some feedback about whether that's a good idea or not.

On kids in the lab, 9/12/12:

It's about keeping quiet. That said, how quiet can a toddler be? I'm guessing not very. Even under the best of circumstances (sleeping). So what age can a kid be expected to remain quiet? 10? 12? It's hard to pin point that exact age but probably not before they could be in the library unattended. The teens can even be in there if they can remain quiet.